
Escaping live by drunken Jamie Scott Palmer aka The Emptys Response

Friday, 27 March 2015

Poem from 1999

the Solitude of Heart.
the echo that is Love.
the planned- Ending start.
the Equality from a dove.
the Circular karmic stars.
the lonely  empty plaza.
Fighting on the Gaza.
Angry, hot, molten, Mother Lava.
this/ that life/ Death Extravaganza.
Paparazzi of the illuminati.
the palate of Salvador Dali.
the excessive- submissive Retro- Mania.
the owner of the flashiest car.
the holder of the deepest scar.
the background/ foreground grounded listener.
the malice of the lonely- gossipers.
the Guilty alcoholics' Empty flask.
the wind chimes out- of- time in- time at last.
the breakdown of molecular structure.
the totality of a fraction of Trust.
the lungs of shock punctured.
the corrosion of ............ rust.
the animal eye- contact psychic Must.
the stary gaze of Madness lost.
the feelings in which some of us have cost.
the arrogance of thinking it's cussed.
the shit in which over we've fussed.
the disrespect of our inhabitant crust.
the everything in which we take for granted.
the perspective of peripheral sight.
the perceptibles are ever- so -slanted.
the control and manipulation of the Establishment.
the anarchist/individual traipsed.
Non freedom of  T.V mind dilution.
Try crying when you're laughing.
Global delirium Tremors.
Treble freedom ism.
Based themselves with hate red.
...never ever weather it's too late...
everything gone without a trace.
(not a thing apparently....)
parental leave again.
absentee Shiva diva diving
striving driving a brand new BMW.
Our infancy disgraced....
to walk with untied shoelaces......
lets us. Slow down up the pace.....
 harmonious, peaceful, respectful


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